Sling Types

Taking into account your lifestyle, your baby's age and weight, whether your baby nurses or not, and your babywearing preferences when it comes to wearing time and comfort,

Choose among five basic types of Asteraki baby carriers:

RING SLING - Μάρσιπος με κρίκους για ευελιξία

Ring Sling
carrier with rings

MEI TAI - Μάρσιπος για όλους

Mei Tai
The easiest
carrier for all

Wrap around
your love

to fit you

Structured baby carrier

SSC carrier

Kinder Hop
SSC carrier

All of the above will offer you the wonderful advantages of babywearing, they are all safe and comfortable, and will allow you to be hands-free while carrying your baby in the best way. They are adjustable, they take up so little space that you can always have them with you in the baby's diaper bag, or even in a large pocket!

Click on the pictures above, to see further details and pictures of each carrier type, as well as pros and cons for each one. Also, you can find detailed instructions (with photos and videos) on how to wear each type.

If you are trying to decide which type of carrier is the most suitable for you and your baby, read this: "Selecting the best carrier for my baby"

also see: Baby carrier definitions